Community-Connected Golf Course Design | Eco-Sensitive Golf Course Design | Women’s Golf Consulting
Kari Haug Planning and Design, Inc.
is a WBENC-certified WBE.
If your project receives federal funding, your company has corporate diversity spend goals, or if you are a prime contractor looking to fulfill a diversity percentage quota, you may benefit from working with us to meet diversity requirements. In addition to the national WBENC certification, Kari Haug Planning and Design, Inc. also holds several Minnesota-based certifications including: CERT (WBE/SBE), TMP (City of Minneapolis/Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board), TGB (State of Minnesota), and Mn-UCP DBE.
WBENC Certification
WBENC Certification validates that a business is at least 51 percent owned, controlled, operated, and managed by a woman or women. More than 1,000 corporations representing America’s most prestigious brands, and many states, cities and government entities accept the WBENC certification standard. Only certified companies can display the Women Owned logo indicating that a company is owned and operated by a woman or women, as certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) in the United States and WEConnect International globally.